Comprehension For Class 5. They can fly up and they can fly down. Bees can also fly slow.
From determining the meaning of academic and domain specific words to identifying the text type to practicing writing the main idea shared by multiple texts there s little that we leave undiscussed. Bees can also fly slow. This grade 5 reading comprehension is a breath of fresh air as it helps describe a scene and compare and contrast the thematic elements of the story.
Students at the fifth grade level should have a good handle on how to see patterns in words and breakdown sounds.
Following the article there are multiple choice questions matching questions. From determining the meaning of academic and domain specific words to identifying the text type to practicing writing the main idea shared by multiple texts there s little that we leave undiscussed. Constitution also known as the bill of rights in this fifth grade level reading comprehension activity. Free printable reading comprehension worksheets for grade 5.